Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Kind of Resolution

7,114 That’s the number of unreached people groups currently in our world, that equals 2.86 billion people. That is 2.86 billion people that break Gods heart daily and 7,114 people groups that one day will be worshiping around the throne of our Victorious lamb Jesus Christ that currently have nobody walking in the light. These people show a great darkness in our world but there is a greater hope that is about to encounter many of these people for the first time this very year.

This is a time of year where everybody is making resolutions about what they are going to try to do to make their life better over this next year. Why don’t we, as members of the world wide Church, resolve to do something to bring one unreached person into contact with the amazing news of our Lord Jesus Christ this year. While it is admirable to try to lose some weight, or read more or whatever it may be, just imagine how rewarding it will be to one day meet someone in heaven and have them say “I don’t know if I would be here if it wasn’t for you, thank you!”

This year let’s resolve to not do even the good things if they get in the way of the best things. Let’s resolve to make the focal points of our lives the one who gave us life. Let’s resolve to see people how God sees them, and have the things that break Gods heart break our heart. Let’s resolve to make a difference in the life of one person, not just the kind of difference that will make a bad person into a good person, but the kind of difference that will make a person who is dead in sin, alive in Christ!

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